We can integrate the cloudwatch logs at the stage levels and ApI basis. With X-Ray, the full picture of the api-gateway and lambda can be displayed
Cloudwatch Metrics:
the more the better caching mechanism, (Number of request served from the cache)CacheMissCount
the less the better caching mechanism (Number of requests served from the backend)Count
Total number of API request at a certain time frameIntegrationLatency
Time frame of sending request to lambda and getting response from lambdaLatency
Time to receive request in API Gateway and sending response from API Gateway
Two types of logging
- API Logging
- Typical logs, log streams, log groups
- Access Logging
- Can monitor lambda authorizer
- Who accessed
- How accessed
Two types of latency
- Latency: Time between receive a request from client and response back
- Integration Latency: Time between api-gateway to lambda request and response from lambda to api-gateway